Christ in the Centre

“… Unto us a Son is given…” Isa. 9:6 (NKJV)

My attention was drawn recently to a Christmas song when I heard the words, “Santa Claus, do you ever come to the ghetto?” Of course, my curiosity was piqued. What would be the answer to this question? What is the ghetto? The ghetto is an inner-city depressed community where crime accompanies poverty, and education takes a back seat. The question is a valid one since every parent in the ghetto wishes she/he had money to get their child to see Santa Claus. However, Santa’s ‘gifts’ are certainly not long-lasting and many children from these communities have never even seen Santa face-to-face. 

The greatest gift ever given to man is God’s only Son, Jesus, as stated in Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV), “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given”. No gift has had the impact, no gift has been as worthwhile to mankind. And no gift has been so slighted by so many. But Jesus continues to offer Himself to us as the answer to our every need.

We exchange presents, we extend good wishes even to those we hardly spoke to during the year. Our children receive toys, and squeals of excitement fill the air, but how many of us know and have taught our children the value of eternal life, the gift Jesus brought to mankind? 

Jesus offers Himself to us, to free us from the power of sin so we can live victoriously. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God …” – John 1:12 (KJV). What a gift! Becoming a son of God should be our most fervent desire, our highest priority. Wherever we live without Christ is a kind of ghetto where we are starved of knowledge and understanding about our real purpose here on earth. Invite Jesus today, and encourage others to receive this gift bought for us ‘without money and without price.’


Father, we thank You for the gift of Jesus. We celebrate His coming and the purpose for which He came. Thank You that He is not afraid to come to the ghetto to meet with us and show us a better way. May we honour His coming this Christmas and beyond by receiving Him into our lives. Amen. 

Read: Luke 2: 8-11; John 1: 14

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 30:24-33; Revelation 9:13-21; Revelation 10; Ezra 2:68-70; Ezra 3; Ezra 4:1-5

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